Dedicated Young Volunteers Making a Difference

    Dedicated Young Volunteers Making a Difference

    Mobility Dogs is incredibly fortunate to have some wonderful volunteers. Recently we received this great letter from some students at Rototuna High about their experience of doing some fundraising for Mobility Dogs. It is really wonderful to have such dedicated young...
    Denny the Companion Dog

    Denny the Companion Dog

    Kieran is 23 years old and is on the spectrum. He also has an undiagnosed condition where he collapses out of the blue which he has been under medical care for since he was 17. Kieran’s mum Rochelle explains how they found out about Mobility Dogs and what it means to...
    When Harry met Amanda

    When Harry met Amanda

    Harry has changed my life in so many ways. Many of these are very small and seemingly insignificant, but when added all together they have such a positive influence on me and those around me. My first concussion occurred at the end of 2009 when I fell down a flight of...

    Puppy Raiser’s Christmas Party

    The end of year celebration for our Puppy Raisers was held at Ngaruawahia on November 17. The wonderful Corinna Cooper organised AND catered this fantastic event for more than 50 of our amazing puppy raisers. Puppy raisers volunteer their time, love and energy to...