Mobility Dogs is incredibly fortunate to have some wonderful volunteers. Recently we received this great letter from some students at Rototuna High about their experience of doing some fundraising for Mobility Dogs. It is really wonderful to have such dedicated young people who are making such a positive impact on the lives of New Zealanders with disabilities.
“Hi, our names are Jess, Zane, Amber, Issie and Lisa. We live in Hamilton around the Flagstaff area. We are all 15 years old and love dogs!
In our school, Rototuna High, we do something called a “puna”, which is when you choose something you are passionate about to make a difference in the community. So, we researched a bunch of animal care places and Mobility Dogs sound like the best one.
When we called Veronica, she told us more about Mobility Dogs and it sounded super interesting, so when we met with her for the first time we already knew we wanted to help.
At our school we have market days where you can set up a stall and raise money for a charity. We have held 2 of these, the first was a bake sale and we raised $176. Then we had another market day where we sold cotton candy and made a good amount of money. Then we also did a sausage sizzle outside the Animates store at Te Rapa and we made $361.
The fundraising days have gone really well; they flowed nicely, and so did our training sessions and write ups. But next time we think could plan things a bit better so we are not rushing around beforehand, but that has been a good learning for us.
Everyone in Mobility Dogs have helped us so much! With bringing dogs to all the events to draw in customers, baking goods for our bake sales as well as being so nice and supportive!
Being able to fundraise for Mobility Dogs has made us really happy! We all love dogs so much, and the fact that we have been able to raise money to help you guys train the Mobility Dogs has made us feel really good. We also have a new appreciation for what people in our community do to help those who need it.
We just want say thanks to everyone who has helped us, especially Veronica for being there for the events and helping us through it all”.
From everyone at Mobility Dogs, we would like to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to Jess, Zane, Amber, Issie and Lisa for all of their incredible efforts and their support of Mobility Dogs!