When the family lost their beloved Labrador, Daisy, they were left with a void that seemed impossible to fill. Enter Mia, a charming and energetic Companion Dog who has since transformed their lives in ways they never imagined. From providing comfort during difficult...
For those living with cerebral palsy, life can be challenging both physically and socially. For 13-year-old Maddy, her disability affects her legs, preventing her from walking independently and doing simple tasks like picking up items from the floor or taking off...
Mobility Dog Cedric was placed with Sam and his family in May 2022. Sam has a series of complex health conditions and Cedric is able to provide both joy and companionship to the whole family unit as well as help Sam with his needs. Sam’s mother Francine wrote the...
Kieran is 23 years old and is on the spectrum. He also has an undiagnosed condition where he collapses out of the blue which he has been under medical care for since he was 17. Kieran’s mum Rochelle explains how they found out about Mobility Dogs and what it means to...
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